Sport Performance: Basketball 10-12 (outside timetable)

This elective does NOT satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. Students in grade 10 will also need to register in Physical Education 10 to meet graduation requirements.

This course is a sport-specific basketball course, for both male and female students, designed to develop student-athletes skills and knowledge on a continuous, yearlong basis. This course will follow the curriculum set forth by Basketball Canada’s Long Term Athletic Development Train to Train stage. Individual skill development will be prioritized, but we will also explore the areas of defensive technique, team offensive and defensive strategies, sport-specific fitness, leadership theory, injury prevention and nutrition. This course is designed to have students learn a variety of scientific principles, techniques and methodologies pertaining to basketball. In addition, important life skills will also be developed. These skills include: goal-setting, leadership, time management, conflict resolution, communication and social responsibility.

Basketball Course students will train on court three times per week, outside the timetable. Some classroom instruction will be provided. Personal commitment will be required for success in this course.