Social Studies: Social Justice 12

Social Justice 12 provides students with the opportunity to become more aware of, and to analyze a variety of social injustices in the world such as socio-economic status, sexism, sexual orientation, racism, genocide, globalization and the treatment of the world’s indigenous people. This course will challenge students to examine their own beliefs and values and realize their capacity to effect positive change in the world through cases studies, research and a personal action project.   Social Justice 12 allows students to develop ethical reasoning skills while looking at the evolving local, national and international issues and connect them understanding the historical root of the problem and discussing possible solutions that would move people towards greater equality and fairness within our society.  This course is excellent for students moving toward careers in business, law, health, humanities, social sciences and education.  (Social Justice 12 may be available in French for immersion students based on number of students requesting).


