Science 09 Discovery

Science 9 Discovery

An inquiry-based alternative to Sc 9 & 10 with the same curricular competencies and content. 

“We want the lovers of science, the inquisitive, the keen. Basically, we want the science-geeks.”

The Science Discovery Program (formerly known as Science Honours)  is intended to encourage those with a keen interest in science. We will focus on hands-on experiments, collaborative group work, and the use student choice with the model of Project Based Learning in our exploration of topics in all branches of Science, from material covered in the classroom to science in the ‘real-world’.  

To make more of those connections to ‘real-world’ science’, we are also involved with ‘current events – ‘science in the news’  and ‘science volunteering’ (during non-COVID times). 

The intention of this course is to develop a deeper understanding in science, and not to have a “harder” course. Achievement tends to be as good, or better, than in the regular science classes.  

All students must sign up for Science 9 or 10 on their course selection forms. Selection will be changed to Science 9 Discovery if students apply for Discovery and are subsequently recommended by the department.

Click here to apply for Science 9 Discovery – Application

