(Two Courses)
(If you are in doubt about which math 12 courses to take, we recommend the Combo. Reason 1: We will cover this course over an entire year. This gives you more time to make rich connections with students, teacher, the content, and the competencies.
Reason 2: You will be part of a highly motivated community that will motivate you to do your best. If you are someone who later decides that Calculus is not for you; no problem. Students in this position would only come to class when we are doing math 12. This gives them more time and space to reach their math 12 goals. This gives students more flexibility to complete math 12 over a one-year period rather than 6 months.
Reason3: If you completed math 12 in your grade 11 year you can be a TA within the combo and receive teaching assistant credits, volunteer hours all while building relationships with students you will later be studying calculus with. These students can also take the math 12 blocks off and use that for personal time or study. The combo gives students more time to learn Calculus. This gives students more flexibility to complete calc 12 over a one-year period rather than 6 months.
Prerequisite: A final grade of 60% or higher in Pre-Calculus 11 is strongly recommended. Students with less than 60% should consult with their teacher before choosing this course.
Equipment: Scientific Calculator: The Sharp EL – 510R is most suitable.
Information: This course is highly recommended for anyone who may take Calculus in University. Year after year, students tell us how prepared they felt for university math after taking Calc 12. We highly recommend it.
This course is intended and is highly recommended for students entering disciplines such as the sciences, engineering, and mathematics at post-secondary institutions. Please note that this course is really two courses and will take up two spaces in your timetable.
PC 12: This course is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. This might include Mathematics, Sciences, Engineering, and Commerce. The course will include Operations, Composition, and Transformations of Functions, Graph and Analyze – Exponential, Logarithm, Polynomial, Radical, Rational and Sinusoidal Functions as well as Conic Sections. Solve Trigonometric Equations and prove Trigonometric Identities. This course can be taken concurrently with any of the other Math 12 courses.
Calc 12: is the culmination of Pre-Calculus 11 and Pre-Calculus 12. In this portion of the course, you will see how everything you have been learning in high school math fits together. We will get you ready to thrive in university. The focus of the COMBO is to provide you daily opportunities to hone the real life skills of communication, critical thinking and problem-solving. We will use the content of limits, derivatives, and integrals to allow you to grow the skills that universities, employers, and your future you is looking for.
Prerequisite: Excellent math skills and work habits are required or will be developed:). Students will be enrolled in Pre-Calc 12 and Calculus 12 in linked linear blocks with the same teacher.