Choir 11 – Vocal Jazz (OUTSIDE TIMETABLE)


  • (outside the timetable) Co-requisite:  Students taking Vocal Jazz 11 must also be enrolled in Choir 11 – Concert Choir (either INSIDE or OUTSIDE the timetable). 

    This class meets after school (intermediate and senior vocal jazz both have an additional rehearsal once a week before school). Attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.  Performances occur in the evenings and may take place away from the school.  Students will be introduced to the elements of vocal jazz through a variety of musical styles including Broadway, swing, ballad, blues, rock, Latin, Bossa Nova. 

  • Vocal jazz articulations, singing techniques and microphone techniques 
  • Emphasis is on gaining confidence in the vocal jazz idiom 
  • Lots of optional solo opportunities *Note:  There is no audition required to participate in junior vocal jazz.  Acceptance to the intermediate and senior vocal jazz ensembles are based on a successful audition. 

    GRADE 12…