20th Century World History 12

This is a survey course of 20th Century history, beginning with the aftermath of World War 1 in 1919.

Topics covered will include:

  • the Paris Peace Conference
  • Fascism in Germany and Italy in the inter-war years
  • Russia/Soviet Union (1917-1941)
  • United States (1919-1941)
  • World War 2 (1939 to 1945)
  • the Cold War (1945 to 1989),
  • USSR and Eastern Europe (1945-2000)
  • Civil rights issues of various nations, post WWII, as well as other interesting topics.

The Core Competencies of this class will focus on: • Use historical inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions • Assess the significance of people, locations, events, and developments, and compare varying perspectives on their historical significance at particular times and places, and from group to group (significance) • Assess the justification for competing historical accounts after investigating points of contention, reliability of sources, and adequacy of evidence (evidence) • Compare and contrast continuities and changes for different groups at particular times and places (continuity and change) • Assess how underlying conditions and the actions of individuals or groups affect events, decisions, and developments, and analyze multiple consequences (cause and consequence) • Explain different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, and events by considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews, and beliefs (perspective) • Make reasoned ethical judgments about controversial actions in the past or present, and assess whether we have a responsibility to respond (ethical judgment).
